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Draft it Help System

The complete Help system for Draft it is available on these pages.

How To The Program Interface
The File Menu The Ribbon
The Draft It Ribbon Architectural Ribbon Page Draw Ribbon Page Modify Ribbon Page Settings Ribbon Page Views & Zoom Ribbon Page Command Specific Ribbons Minimise/Expand the Ribbon
System Toolbar Quick Access Toolbar Command Window Drawing Tabs Layout Explorer Properties Explorer Referenced Drawings Status Bar Symbol Library Explorer
Tutorial 2 Part 9

Available in: FREE, Plus, PRO & Architectural

Next we will construct the hob. Select Zoom Window zoom window button and select the area shown here.

hob outline

Select the Rectangle button rectangle button and go Relative to P1. Type '600' and enter key and then '50' and enter key, this is the first corner of the rectangle and then type 600 and enter key and then '500' and enter key and the rectangle will be drawn.

Select the rectangle so that its entity handles are displayed and click on the Explode explode button button, this will convert the rectangle to individual lines for the next step.
Now select the Offset button offset button and click on 'Line 1', drag to the left and type '100' and enter key.

Now to create the buttons and rings. First select the Circle command circle button to draw two circles, then we will use Offset and Copy to create the rest.

hob circles finished hob

Go Relative to P1, type '150' and enter key and then '120' and enter key. The radius is 10 so the quickest way to set this is to use Arrow Key Input. Simply press any one of the four arrow keys and type '10' and press enter key. Select Repeat the circle command and go Relative to P3, type '-50' and enter key and then '120' and enter key. To set the radius as with the last circle, press any one of the four arrow keys and type '15' and press enter key.

Click on the circle at P4 (the entity handles are displayed). Select the Rectangular Array button rectangular array button.

Before indicating the reference point you will notice that the Ribbon has changed and now displays the specific options for this command. Change the 'No X.' to 1 and 'No Y.' to 4 and pick the centre of the circle (P4) as the reference point.

rectangular array options

The four circles we require are 90 apart, so the 'point to array to' is a point '0' in X and '90' in Y from the circle centre. The quickest way to define this is to press the up arrow keykey, type '90' and press enter key.

Select the Rectangular Array button rectangular array button again and click on the circle at P2 (the entity handles are displayed). Now set the 'No X.' to 2 and 'No Y.' to 2, pick the centre of the circle as the reference point. This time as we have more than one item in both X and Y the easiest to define the next point is to use Direct Input, Simply type '250' and press enter key for the X value and then type '250' and press enter key for the value as well.

Now use the Offset offset button command to offset circles 'C1' & 'C4' each by 70 and then by 80. Then offset circles 'C2' & 'C3' each by 50 then by 60. Remember the easiest way to define each offset value is with Direct Input, simply type the value and enter key.

The hob is now complete and should look like the picture shown.