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Draft it Help System

The complete Help system for Draft it is available on these pages.

How To The Program Interface
The File Menu The Ribbon
The Draft It Ribbon Architectural Ribbon Page Draw Ribbon Page Modify Ribbon Page Settings Ribbon Page Views & Zoom Ribbon Page Command Specific Ribbons Minimise/Expand the Ribbon
System Toolbar Quick Access Toolbar Command Window Drawing Tabs Layout Explorer Properties Explorer Referenced Drawings Status Bar Symbol Library Explorer
Linear Dimension

Available in: FREE, Plus, Pro and Architectural

This command creates a linear dimension between two points. This dimension can be Horizontal, Vertical or Aligned depending upon the cursor position when picking the third point or by selection of either of the H, V or A keys.

Select the 'Linear Dimension' button Linear Dimension button and the Ribbon changes to show the current dimension properties. You can change any of these settings whilst you are creating the dimension. The command prompt reads:

Give First Point:

Select the first point to dimension using any of the snaps and input options. A dynamic line will be drawn from this point to the cursor. The prompt now reads:

Give Second Point:

Select the second point to dimension using any of the snaps and input options. Draft it now creates a dynamic dimension attached to the cursor and the prompt reads:

Give Dimension Position (H)orizontal, (V)ertical or (A)ligned:

Select the position of the dimension using any of the snaps and input options. The position of this point relative to the two previous points controls the dimension orientation.

If the dimension position is between the first 2 points horizontally then the dimension will be horizontal.If the dimension position is not between the first 2 points horizontally but is between them vertically then the dimension will be vertical. If the dimension position is not between the first 2 points both horizontally and vertically then the dimension will be aligned to the 2 points.*

* Except when either the H, V or A keyboard keys are hit. Hit theh keykey and the dimension is always horizontal, similarlyv keyforces the dimension to be vertical and a keyaligned. Once any of the keys has been hit the cursor position has no affect on the dimension orientation only its position.

The dimension text is always placed centrally between the two dimension points except when it is an aligned dimension and the dimension position is outside of the two points (top left and bottom right corners).

To edit a Linear dimension see Modifying/Moving Dimensions.