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Draft it Help System

The complete Help system for Draft it is available on these pages.

How To The Program Interface
File Menu The Ribbon
Architectural Ribbon Page Draw Ribbon Page Modify Ribbon Page Settings Ribbon Page Views & Zoom Ribbon Page Command Specific Ribbons Minimise/Expand the Ribbon
System Toolbar Quick Access Toolbar Command Window Drawing Tabs Layout Explorer Properties Explorer Referenced Drawings Status Bar Symbol Library Explorer
Drawing Properties

Available in: Pro, Architectural

Drawing Properties dialog box

The Drawing Properties dialog box is used to store information about a drawing.

The field names are self explanatory but the notes field could be used for example to store the drawing revision history.

The values stored here can be accessed by the Text text buttonfunction.

This can be particularly useful when using drawing borders/title blocks in drawing templates. You can use the Text command to place drawing property tags in a template and the values entered here are automatically transferred to the tags on any drawing using the template.