Outline of a printer

Draft it Free

No-nonsense Free CAD software

Draft It free is a small and mightly CAD package that's easy-to-use and among the industry's top choices for best free CAD software. Forget over-complex tools, our low-learning curve 2D CAD software lets you get drafting quickly and effortlessly.

Draft It Free V5
New & Improved Features

Outline of a blueprint

You Own Your Work

Unrestricted, unlimited access to create, save, and print your work. Unlike other free CAD software, you have full ownership of your creations! Improved drawing interface for ease-of-use

Outline of a squigly arrow pointing up in box

Built With You In Mind

Draft It V5 is designed with intuitive controls, simple navigation menus, and a clear interface. The user-friendly interface is cleaner, easier to navigate, and offers flexible customisation options.

Outline of a triangular set square and pen

Detailed, Powerful Drawings Tools

Accurate, detailed, and high-quality drawings elevate your vision professionally. New line commands and configuration options provide increased flexibility for drawing.

Outline of a pull down white board and book

Set Your Own Measurement

Whether you're more comfortable with metric or imperial units, you have the freedom to choose how to measure your project - it's fully customisable.

Why is Draft it the best Free CAD software?

Draft It Free V5 is best free CAD software on the market with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use snapping tools, transforming drawing construction into a seamless experience. With Draft It Free V5, you can focus on your creativity as the software becomes an extension of your vision. We've packed powerful features to unleash your creativity, while the only limitations are your design aspirations.

Small purple star shape Software cad and architecture round logo

Draft It CAD Software

Draft it Plus


Purchase Draft it Plus today for only £20.


Draft it Pro


Purchase Draft it Pro today for only £99.

Draft it Architectural


Purchase Draft it Architectural today for only £199.

Collection of icons with a magnifying glass

Compare Our Software

Explore the functionalities and identify the ideal solution for your specific requirements. 
 Upgrade to Draft it Plus, Pro, or Architectural V5 to access even more powerful features.
 Elevate your CAD design work to new heights with our advanced software options. Ready to take the next step?

Draft it Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the increment of the dynamic placement dimensions can be modified as required. Select the ‘Units’ button from the ‘‘Views and Settings’ ribbon. The third field in the top section of the dialog allows the increment of linear dimensions to be specified. The second field in the bottom section of the dialog allows the increment of angular dimensions to be specified.
Yes, the units can be set as either: - Metric (MM, CM or M) or imperial (Decimal inches, Fractional inches, Decimal Feet/inches, Fractional Feet/inches). Go to the ‘Views and Settings’ ribbon and select the ‘Units’ button. The top field in the dialog box contains all of the above options.
The ‘Pens’ feature is on the 'Settings’ tab of the 'Views and Settings' Ribbon and allows a thickness to be specified for each pen. Set the thickness required for each pen/colour and make sure the ‘show line thickness’ at the top of the dialog box is ‘ticked’.
Yes, select ‘Export’ from the ‘Draft it’ button. Here you will see options for BMP, JPG, GIF or WMF, click on the type required and enter a filename. An image file encompassing the extents of the drawing items will be created.
This feature is available in Draft it PRO and Draft it Architectural only. This feature is not available in the Plus and Free versions. Supported formats are AutoCAD .DWG and .DXF (Data eXchange Format) up to and including the current version (2014). Draft it analyses the file to determine the size (physical) of the data to be imported and displays the Page Setup dialog box with tools to alter the scale and origin point of the imported data.
If the request code changes each time you start Draft it, then you did not have a sufficient level of access rights in your windows settings when the program was installed. Remove Draft it, increase the level of access rights and then re-install.
It is possible to produce multi-storey elevations simply by creating an elevation of each floor plan and stacking the individual elevations. You may wish to specify the same reference point on each plan allowing the elevations to be stacked as they are generated. Alternatively they can be created and ‘assembled’ using the ‘Move’ function.
You can easily position the ends of internal walls relative to the end points of other walls. When prompted for a new wall point, move the cursor over an existing wall point to measure from. When the snap symbol is displayed (e.g. END) hit the ‘R’ key. You will see that XY input is invoked from this point, now hit one of arrow keys e.g. ‘right’ to specify the direction of the new wall point. Then type the length of the wall into the distance box that appears and press ‘enter’.
Hatching circles in versions up to 3.0.6 requires the circle to be broken into two arcs. Use the ‘Break’ command to split the circle at any point on the circumference (not the start/end point). Use the ‘build Polyline command to make a new polyline from the two resulting arcs. Select this new polyline and the ‘Area Fill’ and ‘Hatch’ buttons will become active.
To use ‘Area Fill’ or ‘Hatching’ you must draw a closed ‘Polyline’ around the shape to be filled or hatched. Once drawn, select the polyline and the ‘Area Fill’ and ‘Hatch’ buttons will become active.
Firstly make sure your printer settings match your Draft IT page setup (sheet size, orientation). To do this go to the 'Views and Settings' ribbon and click on the 'Page' button. Make a note of the scale. Now click on the Draft it button and move to the 'Print' command, and on the fly-out menu click on 'Print Options'. You need to make sure that 'Actual Scale' is selected and that the scale matches the scale in the 'Page' setup you have just checked.
These buttons only appear when the command selected requires two or more points to be defined. I.e. Line, Circle, Polyline, Move. Snaps are automatically available for selection of the first point, once you have selected this point the XY and Snap buttons above the command window to the right of the drawing tabs.
Activation code requests are processed manually (typically only during UK office hours), please do not expect an automatic response. First thing to do is check your spam/junk mail folder, it could have been blocked. Any response will be sent to the email address supplied in the application form or web page, if there has been a significant delay then you may have made a typing error when entering your email address. You may consider using the 'Web Activation' method which is automatic.
If you have purchased a version of Draft it then you will need to activate the trial version you have loaded. This can be done during the trial period or after it has ended. There are 2 methods of activation, automatic via the web and manual (requesting and then entering an activation code manually).
Right click on the Draft it program icon and select 'Properties'. In the dialog box click the 'Compatibility' tab and switch ON the 'Disable visual themes' option, then click OK. Run Draft it again, if the problem is not resolved right click on the Draft it program icon and select 'Properties' again. This time also switch ON 'Disable desktop composition' on the 'Compatibility' tab.
Draft IT Version 4 uses DirectX as default for better/smoother graphics display, The reason for the lack of display is likely to be that the PC being used does not have the proper graphics drivers loaded. Ideally these should be updated to the correct/latest driver and the display will work as expected. However if this is not possible then on the Views and Settings Tab of the Ribbon, there is a button labelled Display, on the dialog box that appears you can select an alternate graphics driver for Draft IT, try all of the options to see which works with your setup. Open GL is probably the best option but GDI should work even without the correct Graphics drivers loaded, however it's not as fast.
The quickest and easiest way to draw walls orthogonally is to use the keyboard arrow keys. Simply place the first wall point and then hit the arrow key corresponding to the direction you wish the wall to be drawn .e.g. ‘right’. Then type the length of the wall into the distance box that appears and press ‘enter’.
Draft it Version 4 uses DirectX as default for better/smoother graphics display, The reason for the lack of display is likely to be that the PC being used does not have the proper graphics drivers loaded. Ideally these should be updated to the correct/latest driver and the display will work as expected. However if this is not possible then on the Views and Settings Tab of the Ribbon, there is a button labelled Display, on the dialog box that appears you can select an alternate graphics driver for Draft IT, try all of the options to see which works with your setup. Open GL is probably the best option but GDI should work even without the correct Graphics drivers loaded, however it's not as fast.
In Plus, Pro and Architectural click on the 'Activate Software (Requires Order Ref and Email Address)' button, then select the option to 'Enter Activation Code'. The activation code box is displayed directly below the box where you enter the request code. In the trial version a form is automatically displayed when the trial expires, this contains the request code.
In Plus, Pro and Architectural click on the 'Activate Software (Requires Order Ref and Email Address)' button, then select the option to 'Enter Activation Code' The request code is displayed directly above the box where you enter the activation code. In the free version a form is automatically displayed when the trial version expires, this contains the request code.
The parameters which control the sizes of text and dimensions in Draft it are ‘real’ 1:1 sizes, so if the drawing scale is changed to 1:50 and then text height needs to be updated accordingly. i.e. if you want the text to be 3mm high when the drawing is printed to scale then text should be placed on the drawing with a height of 150mm. A similar factor should be applied to all of the controlling text/dimension parameters. i.e. if the dimension line gap needs to be 2mm it should be set as 100mm.